Is There Such Thing As Destiny?

I can’t even believe that I am posing myself this question, but is there such thing as destiny? I say this because I am a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother, and destiny is one of the main themes of the show.

You must be wondering why I am asking myself this question. Well, the answer might be disappointing to you. The main and possibly only reason why I am asking myself this question is because of a street.

In 2015, I moved to the States to study Business Administration at Post University. As it turns out, Post University is located on Country Club Road. For the past four years, Country Club Road has been my address.

Fast forward two years, and in the summer of 2017 I decided not to go home for summer break to spend the summer in Florida with my then-boyfriend, now-fiance. For four months, I lived with him and his family in a rental located in a small Florida town. And the house was located on Country Club Road. Not the same number, but still.

Fast forward another two years, and now I a located in Virginia. No, my current address is not Country Club Road but still that road has a relevance in my everyday life. As a matter of fact, I am helping out some colleagues of my significant other, and I am watching their kid for a few hours every day. And here is where that road comes back into my routine. The colleagues house is located in a parallel of Country Club Road!

I know these are might just be coincidences, that there might not be nothing like destiny, or maybe I am reading into it a little bit too much, but do you think there is such thing as destiny? Do you think there will always be a Country Club Road in my life as long as I stay in the States? Has any of this happened in your life? What is your recurring street/theme?

Also, to compensate the lack of pictures, I decided to attach the stream of my Valedictorian speech. I hope you enjoy it!

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